The Ontology of units of Measure (OM) 2.0 models concepts and relations important to scientific research. It has a strong focus on units, quantities, measurements, and dimensions. OM is modelled in OWL 2 - Web Ontology Language. The OM ontology provides classes, instances, and properties that represent the different concepts used for defining and using measures and units. It includes, for instance, common units such as the SI units metre and kilogram, but also units from other systems of units such as the mile or nautical mile. For many application areas it includes more specific units and quantities, such as the unit of the Hubble constant or the quantity vaselife. The following application areas are supported by OM: Geometry; Mechanics; Thermodynamics; Electromagnetism; Fluid mechanics; Chemical physics; Photometry; Radiometry and Radiobiology; Nuclear physics; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Cosmology; Earth science; Meteorology; Material science; Microbiology; Economics; Information technology and Typography., 測定単位のオントロジー (Ontology of units of Measure; OM) は,科学技術にとって重要な概念及び関係をモデル化する。OMは,単位・量・測定・次元に特に焦点を当てている。, measures, and dimensions., De Ontologie van Maateenheden (OM) 2.0 modelleert concepten en relaties die belangrijk zijn voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het heeft een sterkre focus op eenheden, grootheden, maten, en dimensies., De Ontologie van Maateenheden (OM) 2.0 modelleert concepten en relaties die belangrijk zijn voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het heeft een sterke focus op eenheden
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Last modified on
February 25, 2025.
For additional information, contact
Hajo Rijgersberg (
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測定単位のオントロジー (Ontology of units of Measure; OM) は,科学技術にとって重要な概念及び関係をモデル化する。OMは,単位・量・測定・次元に特に焦点を当てている。, The Ontology of units of Measure (OM) 2.0 models concepts and relations important to scientific research. It has a strong focus on units, quantities, measurements, and dimensions.