
Visualize the panorama of all ontologies on BiodivPortal via metadata aggregation.

Groups and Categories

Ontologies by group

Ontologies by category

Number of ontologies in each semantic artefact catalog

Ontologies by size

Property usage

Pie charts related to the most frequent values for certain metadata properties

Natural languages


Most used tools to build ontologies

Pie charts retated to object description properties (i.e., meatdata properties used to describe ontology objects).

Properties used to specify objects preferred label

Properties used to specify object synonyms

Properties used to specify objects definition

Properties used to specify object author

Ontologies properties

Representation language

Ontologies properties

Formality levels

Contributors to ontology development

Most active people

Most mentioned people as contact, creator, contributor or curator

Most active organizations

Organizations funding and endorsing the most ontologies

Ontology activity

Most active user account

User account who published notes, reviews, and projects

Most active ontologies

Ontologies with notes, reviews, and projects

Ontology relations network

Set of relationships between BiodivPortal ontologies as captured by metadata. Green ontologies are stored in the repository while those in blue are external resources.

Ontology FAIRness Evaluator (O’FAIRe)

Average 0 (0%) Min 0 (0%) Max 0 (0%) Median 0 (0%)
This interface shows how an ontology or a group responded successfully to O’FAIRe FAIRness assessment questions
See details for each ontologies on the specific ontology summary pages
hover on a principle to see details

Average metrics

Number of classes 8295.15
Number of individuals 791.62
Number of properties 109.62
Max depth 8.7
Max child count 1309.62
Average child count 266.36
Classes with one child 542.43
Classes with more than 25 children 40.58
Classes with no definition 5637.15
Number of axioms (triples) 0.0