We offer a seamless solution to make your ontology URIs resolvable and content negotiable by allowing URL redirection for your ontology URIs to our BiodivPortal URIs. To facilitate this process, we've provided you with a set of .htaccess rewrite rules. By following the simple instructions below, you'll be able to implement these rules swiftly and efficiently, ensuring smooth redirection
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^obo/pco/pco-full.owl/?$ https://biodivportal.gfbio.org/ontologies/PCO [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*obo/pco/pco-full.owl.*$
RewriteRule ^.*/([^/#]+)/?$ https://biodivportal.gfbio.org/ontologies/PCO/$1 [R=301,L]
location / {
rewrite ^/obo/pco/pco-full.owl/?$ https://biodivportal.gfbio.org/ontologies/PCO permanent;
if ($request_uri ~* obo/pco/pco-full.owl ){
rewrite ^.*/([^/]+)/?$ https://biodivportal.gfbio.org/ontologies/PCO/$1 permanent;