@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix obo_purl: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> . @prefix ns0: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/core#> . obo_purl:BSPO_0000096 obo_purl:IAO_0000115 "x anterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail." ; oboinowl_gen:hasDbXref "BSPO:0000096" ; oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "rostral_to" ; a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:label "anterior to" ; owl:inverseOf obo_purl:BSPO_0000099 . ns0:posteriorly_connected_to rdfs:subPropertyOf obo_purl:BSPO_0000096 .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix obo_purl: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix oboinowl_gen: <http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#> .
@prefix ns0: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/core#> .

    obo_purl:IAO_0000115 "x anterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail." ;
    oboinowl_gen:hasDbXref "BSPO:0000096" ;
    oboinowl_gen:hasExactSynonym "rostral_to" ;
    a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty ;
    rdfs:label "anterior to" ;
    owl:inverseOf obo_purl:BSPO_0000099 .

    rdfs:subPropertyOf obo_purl:BSPO_0000096 .